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Methodology development and risk communication study for source identification of environmental pollutants in food-illustrated with heavy metals

Food safety is vital to the human health. The establishment of Taiwan TCSB of EPA is aimed at the first of five food safety measures initiated in 2015 by Taiwan Executed Yan – enforcing source control, so that food safety event may be prevented by tracking potential environmental sources of contaminants. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the risk potential of toxics from the environment to foods, and to track sources of environmental contaminants when food safety enents occur. This study proposes the guideline and framework of tracking method so that a decision support system (DSS) may be developed to improve the quality and timeliness for the potential risk analysis and food event analysis. The study completes 5 major tasks: 5 extended abstracts of the environmental food-chain literature, the guideline and framework, writing 3 environmental education materials, an expert panel, and an educational workshop. Six suggestions are made: (1) Using the standard format suggested by this study to document food safety events for case studies relating environments. (2) Compiling education materials of food safety events relating environmental toxics. (3) Develpoing the tracking DSS, focusing on on-line dashboard computerized module using forwarding and backwording methods. (4) Exploring the comparative risk perception of exposure different environmental toxics in foods. (5) Identifying the possible environmental toxics sources associated with high risk potential of heavy-metal contaminated foods. (6) Establishing dietary exposure factors and bio-transfer factors suitable for major environmental-related food safety events in Taiwan.
Multimedia transport, source identification, cumulative risk